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  • Sister Lines 1:51 pm on August 10, 2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Write something AGAIN???!   

    So, the request came by email… Do you suppose you might have something to say on sisterlines?
    Well, writing is not my forte, but I’ll give it a go…
    Since my first batch of jam, well, more jam of course. We’ve been busy trying to finish landscaping the yard. Handsome has been very helpful, taking the semi and gravel trailer to Yorkton to pick up a load of red rock. It’s almost all laid down now with just a little left to do after our driveway is poured ( which may happen this week!). We also planted a little more grass and these last two rains have given it a jump start! My little garden patch has been producing just enough. We’ve been eating fresh vegetables, but picking and preparing them doesn’t feel like a chore because there is just enough for a meal or two. I like it that way!
    I went out for a little relaxation time on the kayak yesterday. I need to do that more often. Aunt Reta said she would like to try out the paddleboat. Sounds good to me!
    Oh! My in-laws celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary on Aug.1st! We had a big family supper at the Margo Town Hall and almost the whole family was there. For anyone who doesn’t know, the whole family is 80 people. Just Jim and Ev’s children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. Two of Jim’s brothers attended as well. It was a great little reunion, organized by Yvonne and Edna with the help of their husbands, of course. We had great weather and the park behind the hall kept the little ones occupied and well entertained.
    I was accompanied by my aunts, Shirley and Reta, to the Old Moe Heritage Church yesterday. All of the remaining August services are to be held there. There will be coffee and muffins served after services. You should come, Kathy! It’s the church where our parents were married in 1958. I think the last regular services held there were in 1961 or thereabouts! I believe my sister-in-law said she was either the last to be baptized there, or the first baptized in the new building. Where was I baptized, Dad?
    I have two more days off before heading back to work and don’t plan to go very far from home, although I need some lawn edging to finish up this landscaping. Always up to a visit… Nice day for a paddleboat ride!

    • Kathy Johnson 4:00 am on August 22, 2015 Permalink | Reply

      Jeez gals, I’m feeling guilty … it’s my turn to post an entry and I just haven’t had time (or remembered). Maybe this weekend! Cameron is arriving on Sunday and Reta will be back here Tuesday I think, and is leaving Wednesday, the day I go back to work again. I worked till 8 tonight and got Emil home but the truck absolutely filled with mosquitoes when he was getting out and we were swarmed all the way to the house … it was horrible! I’ve been swatting mosquitoes for the past hour and there are still lots in here. Never seen them so bad.


  • joancaroline 5:31 pm on August 4, 2015 Permalink | Reply
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    I sit, outside at our patio table. I am feeding Ben oatmeal (again.. poor kid. I’m out of peanut butter to liven it up for him) but he doesnt complain. He rarely ever complains. My breakfast, so far. has consisted of two cups of coffee with milk. I am about to dig into last night’s pizza, only because the bread that Gary brought home over the weekend was such a disappointment, I can’t bring myself to have my usual favourite breakfast of toast. Meh, ouuta peanut butter anyway.
    I was up with the sun this morning, and off to a yoga class. Love it at that time of day, but as the mornings get darker, it’s getting tougher. Already, and it isn’t even fall.
    Since I arrived home, a fella was here to take a look at our water heater. It seems the pilot light? isn’t working and we have been without hot water for a day……and who knows how many more?
    I washed dishes this morning after boiling some water and have a bunch of laundry to get to so I guess I’ll have to get to it another day. I have a relatively easy day ahead, other than tidying and getting groceries so that I can be prepared for my first day back to work tomorrow. Yes, did I tell you? I will be back at the lab 5-10 hours a week just reading parasites (microscope work) at my own convenience. It can’t get much better as I can pretty much set my own hours and I will get to see some adults every week….. Poor Gary is already afraid he’ll lose me to my work … FAT CHANCE of that. Five to ten hours seems enough for me. It will be nice to have that little bit of extra money, too, when things like water heaters break.
    We had Erin, Brielle and Gerald here last Friday for dinner and Erin and Brielle stayed overnight. Gerald spent the evening at Dad’s and then they returned for breakfast in the morning and were on their way shortly after. They were travelling to a family reunion in Pincher Creek. It was a good visit, though not nearly long enough.
    I wish it were July 1st again. It feels to me like summer is coming to a close and it shouldn’t – it is only August 4th – so whyyyyyy????? The weather has cooled a bit and possiblity of a good rain tomorrow. Maybe that’s it. I’m not ready for fall….nooooooo.
    Hi to Aunt Reta – I’m off for maybe another cup of coffee ( that’s three!) and then some tidying around the house.
    Portion of a painting by Denyse Klette (Saskatoon artist)

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