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  • joancaroline 11:26 pm on September 14, 2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: letter to my sisters,   

    We’ve got the Monday blues…(or pinks??) 

    My baby boy has pink eye ….. yuck. So he has been asleep most of the day except for a trip to the doctor to confirm. When he does awaken, he is miserable. I have had to force “feed” him his medications thismorning and he has only had peach juice to drink. Poor kid. He barely ate yesterday either and slept much of the day, but I didn’t notice his swollen and goopy eyes until thismorning when I went to get him up for school.
    So.. I’ve been home.. made chili, finished laundry, tidied desk, cleaned bathrooms, dusted, wrote a real letter (on paper!!) and have yet to work out a bit, or maybe go through a yoga session…. hard to do if I don’t get it done in the morning but will try. I also need to go and get groceries.
    Took Leo to the vet the other day, too – he has gotten really skinny (he was a bit overweight, but there was no reason for him to be getting skinny, far as I could tell) so off we went to the vet. Bloodwork, and $300 later, he is just fine apparently. Sigh. Except his teeth need a cleaning.. so the quote??? $700 and that doesn’t include any extractions if needed. Gary flat out refuses to spend that on his teeth (and I’m sure Piper’s are no better) so I must look into a way to clean them up a bit… any thoughts on that? Other than bringing them out to Saskatchewan where the prices seem to be way more reasonable?
    Maybe will have to do that next summer but then we’d have to drive….. hmmmmmmm.
    Well, I’m hungry so gotta go feed my face. Laters.

    • Sister Lines 4:24 pm on September 15, 2015 Permalink | Reply

      I do a different kind of yoga than you, so this works for me: if I am watching TV in the evenings, I make myself do yoga in front of it. Sometimes it’s the last thing I feel like doing at the end of the day, but I’m always glad, afterwards, that I did.


  • joancaroline 6:01 pm on September 11, 2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: communication, letter to my sisters, , writing   

    Where is Everybody? 

    It’s sunny thismorning and might be one of our last few beautiful warm days here before fall weather really sets in, and so, I am having a latte on the patio of a local coffee shop. I must soon go and pick Jordan up for another dentist appt (braces! It feels like you are at the dentist every week!) but , oh, just to sit and enjoy the sun awhile. I also had an ulterior motive for coming to this particular coffee shop today. It is the local shop where Jordan and many of her friends come after school to hang out and socialize. Last night she confided in Gary and I that there was a really creepy old guy (Gary’s age- haha!!) that asked her to come over to the corner and help him…. with what , she didn’t know. She got freaked out and went to the bathroom instead and then waited awhile before finally grabbing her friend and leaving. It upset her enough that she cried while telling us about it, so today I came to talk to the girl that works here and , sure enough, they know him, and yes, he’s a little creepy and rude, but harmless as far as they know. After Jordan left, he asked the waitress to help him and the reason was valid – to read the labels on the milk he wanted to buy- but she said he might have dementia or something and can be off putting. Good to know he wasn’t just there to expose himself to the girls or something creepy like that!!! Crazy world – but I’m glad her instincts kicked in, but sure enough, she felt bad about not helping and didn’t want to be rude – that could get you into trouble but it’s hard when you just expect people to be normal.
    Where are you guys? I have posted twice now and I love this sisterlines idea so we must try to keep it going…….any thoughts on a fall/winter visit? Maui???? There were seatsales the other day….. should come should come should come….. or Vegas Oct 5 – 10 – I’ve got a beautiful suit to share with you!!!
    ok BYE for now but I’m waiting…….

  • joancaroline 5:31 pm on August 4, 2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: letter to my sisters,   

    I sit, outside at our patio table. I am feeding Ben oatmeal (again.. poor kid. I’m out of peanut butter to liven it up for him) but he doesnt complain. He rarely ever complains. My breakfast, so far. has consisted of two cups of coffee with milk. I am about to dig into last night’s pizza, only because the bread that Gary brought home over the weekend was such a disappointment, I can’t bring myself to have my usual favourite breakfast of toast. Meh, ouuta peanut butter anyway.
    I was up with the sun this morning, and off to a yoga class. Love it at that time of day, but as the mornings get darker, it’s getting tougher. Already, and it isn’t even fall.
    Since I arrived home, a fella was here to take a look at our water heater. It seems the pilot light? isn’t working and we have been without hot water for a day……and who knows how many more?
    I washed dishes this morning after boiling some water and have a bunch of laundry to get to so I guess I’ll have to get to it another day. I have a relatively easy day ahead, other than tidying and getting groceries so that I can be prepared for my first day back to work tomorrow. Yes, did I tell you? I will be back at the lab 5-10 hours a week just reading parasites (microscope work) at my own convenience. It can’t get much better as I can pretty much set my own hours and I will get to see some adults every week….. Poor Gary is already afraid he’ll lose me to my work … FAT CHANCE of that. Five to ten hours seems enough for me. It will be nice to have that little bit of extra money, too, when things like water heaters break.
    We had Erin, Brielle and Gerald here last Friday for dinner and Erin and Brielle stayed overnight. Gerald spent the evening at Dad’s and then they returned for breakfast in the morning and were on their way shortly after. They were travelling to a family reunion in Pincher Creek. It was a good visit, though not nearly long enough.
    I wish it were July 1st again. It feels to me like summer is coming to a close and it shouldn’t – it is only August 4th – so whyyyyyy????? The weather has cooled a bit and possiblity of a good rain tomorrow. Maybe that’s it. I’m not ready for fall….nooooooo.
    Hi to Aunt Reta – I’m off for maybe another cup of coffee ( that’s three!) and then some tidying around the house.
    Portion of a painting by Denyse Klette (Saskatoon artist)

  • Sister Lines 4:14 pm on April 12, 2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , children, , letter to my sisters, , Princess House, quilt, selling art, time   

    From May: Now That’s More Like It 

    I love your letters, ladies. Keep ’em coming.

    In honour of Jordan’s 13th birthday marking the all-too-swift passing of time, I give you the following painting that reminds me of when we three were children, Caroline was just a baby, and Dawn and I thought we had received the best present ever.

    one sis is baby

    The way these two are gazing at their baby sister is exactly how we felt. We loved her to pieces and thought she was the best thing since Smarties. And we still do, don’t we, Dawn? And now she has little ones of her own, except they aren’t so little anymore.

    ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪

    Gee, sorry to hear about Princess House Canada going the way of the dodo bird; I wonder why! Their stuff is surely still very popular. Like you, Dawn, I can’t help buying more although I already have plenty. And I really like what I have, too, and don’t need one more thing.

    ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪

    Caroline, I wore the purple bamboo shirt for two days this week. Love that it’s nice and long so my lower back is never left bare and cold and I’m not constantly tucking. Thanks again! Hated to put it in the wash, can’t wait to wear it next time. By the way, when Gary retires from his stressful job, he will make the perfect salesperson for your artistic output.

    ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪

    I think Mom may have given me a figurative slap upside the head last night. I was reminded that it has been almost 10 years and I still have not finished my quilt and, for the first time, I felt bad about that.

  • Sister Lines 2:42 am on April 9, 2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , letter to my sisters   

    From May: Yoo Hoo, Where are You Girlies? 


    A short workday for me; 11 by the time I dropped Emil off and got to the office. Then a shiatsu appointment at five, and Scott was bringing pizza home from Kelvington after having supper with his grandmother (age 106), so I left town shortly after six. Feels good to leave the office in the daylight! But now that the days will soon be more summery, it’s not so great to be stuck indoors. Fortunately my work absorbs me enough that I don’t suffer any sense of imprisonment. Most days.

    Still, I worked an hour at home this evening. Gotta get things done.

    Am full from the three – count ‘em! three — slices of pepperoni pizza I ate with my cold beer. That hasn’t stopped me from digging a doughnut out of the plastic bag, for dessert. These doughnuts could make a meal; and have, at times, come to think of it. It’s a good thing I don’t make them often.

    That’s it for me, girlies; I’m out of here and into my pyjamas, and out to the living room to do my yoga routine before heading to bed to read. You’d think I’d get tired of reading, considering all the hours in a day that I do it. But it never happens.

    • Guybrush Threepwood 2:16 am on April 10, 2015 Permalink | Reply

      Hello! I’m a mighty pirate, and being a pirate of my caliber, I demand to see more wenches!

      Liked by 1 person

      • sayitsista 2:18 am on April 10, 2015 Permalink | Reply

        From May: HaHaHa Sonnyboy! Yes, I too want to see more from those OTher TWO wenches!!!!


  • Sister Lines 9:44 pm on April 7, 2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , letter to my sisters, poop   

    From May: When Poop Falls Out of Your Bum 

    So today, Emil used up the last of a roll of toilet paper and then told me he had gotten some poop on his bedsheets afterwards.

    “It just fell out of my bum before I even started wiping my bum three times,” he told me, explaining why he had used so much asswipe and yet still not enough.

    I was exasperated. He’s 26 and I’m still cleaning up after him? Not really; he cleaned the poop off the floor, or his long underwear I guess (as that’s what I washed, along with the bedsheet), himself. But I mean he is still getting shit anywhere but in the toilet!

    After gagging vehemently at the mere thought of going into the bathroom and having to clean up shit, I asked him:

    And how does poop “fall out of” your bum?

    And finally figured out that he has diarrhea.

    I’m happy to report that he is coughing and blowing his nose less today than he was yesterday, so is on the mend.

  • Sister Lines 6:18 pm on April 5, 2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: letter to my sisters   

    From May: Dear Caroline and Dawn 

    You can only think about things for so long without doing anything, and then you have to either shit or get off the pot. I have decided not to get off the pot, as you can see.

    As you know, I have wanted to do something online with you two gals for a long time, and although we’ve talked about it, we’ve never taken it any further. Caroline, you even made a page for us on your own blog, and we still didn’t do anything about it!

    So I figure if I just prime the pump a little, maybe we’ll manage to get some sort of flow going. I don’t get to see either one of you nearly often enough, or talk to you, or even write to you. So I don’t know why I think this is going to change any of that. And I admit, I’m doing this in a half-baked way, without any really thrilling inspiration or serious consultation with the two of you.

    But let’s just see what happens, eh?

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